By Anna Seewald “I’m scared to close my eyes because I don’t want to die.”, my 4 year old neighbor Abby said as she pushed her tiny body closer to mine on the park bench. Her wide-open, blue eyes were teary. Her voice-unusually serious. The thoughtful expression on her face pierced my heart. She had […]
The Healing Power of Storytelling
We all have a story. Your life story defines who you are. And only you can tell your own story. By sharing it you not only release painful feelings, make sense of what happened to you, gain a new perspective, form a new meaning, but you access a possibility of transforming your life. Whether you […]
How Mother Loss Shapes Who We Become with Hope Edelman and Judith Rabinor
Losing a parent as a child is always traumatic. And its impact is long-term. Two short sentences but they say a lot, especially for those of us who have become bereaved by a parental death before the age of 18. I first became aware of the unique difficulties motherhood would present to me when at […]
Love, Loss, Impermanence and The Path of Motherhood
Motherhood as a spiritual experience is at the heart of Anne Cushman’s beautifully written memoir. She tells a poignant story of the rawness and beauty of life. Her daughter’s tragic still-birth, the joyful birth of her son, the “home retreat” of early motherhood, the challenges of parenthood, the falling of her marriage, the diagnosis and gifts […]
Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart
Scott Stabile’s parents were murdered when he was fourteen. Nine years later, his brother died of a heroin overdose. Soon after that, Stabile joined a cult that would dominate his life. Through all these challenges, Stabile grew stronger and more committed to living his life from love. He forgave the man who murdered his parents, […]
The Child’s Perspective and Peaceful Parenting
Highlights About her childhood and upbringing A book that she read as a young adult that really changed the her worldview. How she discovered mindfulness at age 5. Yes. you heard me right. What experiences shaped her philosophy of peaceful parenting. What was the inspiration for her siblings book. Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How To […]