My true passion is helping children to thrive. I have seen a lot of child suffering and abuse. I have worked with orphans, street children, youth at risk, juvenile delinquents, and children with special needs. I myself had a traumatic childhood.
Children are our future and we have such an important job.
We are shaping the future. It's our privilege.
For many years I worked with children. Only after becoming a mother myself that I realized that parents need help and support.
As a parent, I want you to be in tune with your authentic self and help your child in the process of blossoming into their authentic self by supporting their growth. I will give you the necessary knowledge, tools and support.
Together, we can create a more peaceful, kind and compassionate world!

When I was 13 year old, I survived a severe earthquake. In 12 seconds I lost my 35 year old mom, my home, my cousin, my friends, my teachers, my relatives, my childhood and my innocence. My life permanently got dividend into 2 segments of before and after, and needless to say it was never the same. I didn't know what life had in store for me. I have seen and been through a lot; pain and suffering, big, raw emotions, hunger, evacuation...hardship.
I wrote this essay after the earthquake. It's called My Dream. My dream was to become a psychologist and serve orphans and children. Perhaps to better understand what had happened to me.
It’s interesting how life works. Only 34 years later now it all makes sense.
You have the power. It's within you.
I've got...
A couple of graduate degrees+over 25 years of professional experience working with kids, adolescents, teachers and families internationally. I studied, taught, learned for years, read hundreds of books on psychology, education, human brain, development and put together easy digestible tools and programs for parents to better their parenting skills. I beleive in helping children by helping their parents.
The principles of my the parenting from the heart approach are rooted in my early traumatic life experiences, loss and grief, my work at a correctional facility for juvenile delinquents, and motherhood.
We are placed on this earth for our mission.
We all have our own unique gifts.
Mine is helping children. Mine is transforming peoples' lives.

I believe children have to be given creative freedom, a voice and an opportunity for self-expression.
I want children to have ample free time to explore and learn. I want children to play. I want children to have unstructured play and lots of it. I want children away from screens. I want children to create.
I wonder what are the long term effects of pop culture, technology, medications, fast-paced life on our kids. Where are we heading? How to preserve our values? How to transfer them onto our kids?
I contemplate about what kind of life we are preparing our kids for?
I am concerned about the well-being of the current generation.
I am excited to work with you.
"The way we treat our children, the way they treat themselves, us and others.
Let's make the world a better place! "
— Anna Seewald
Fun things you didn't know about me...
- I never learned how to ride a bike
- If I didn't become a psychologist, I probably would have been an interior decorator or a Broadway star 🙂
- I'm an award winning photographer
- I can listen to Coldplay on repeat forever
- I fluently speak 5 languages
- I play the piano by ear and compose music
- I'm known for leaving food cooking in the oven just to catch a glorious sunset
And when...
I'm not working with parents, or recording my next podcast episode, or creating online trainings and courses, you can find me in nature, taking photographs with my big and heavy Canon 5D, Mark III or at a yoga class with my awesome teen daughter.

10 powerful episodes just for you!
So many episodes to choose from... Which ones will help you the most? Start your journey today with these handpicked episodes just for you! Explore how trauma impacts your body, brain, nervous system, and relationships, and discover ways to heal and transform your life. Conversations with people like Gabor Maté, Dr. Paul Conti, Thema Bryant, Peter Levine, Deb Dana and others.