How To Stay C.A.L.M. In The Moment 
You yelled. You lost your cool. You said and did things to your kids that later made you feel guilty, bad about yourself and shameful. 
No, you're not a bad parent. 
You get dysregulated. 

You CAN become a more patient, less reactive, and calm parent. 

The benefits?
  • More authentic connection to yourself and your kids
  • Peaceful homes
  • Happy kids
Download this 20 min. short training and find your C.A.LM. in the emotional storms of your life. 
Yelling doesn't have to part of your parenting toolbox. You CAN become C.A.L.M. 

Discover C.A.L.M.

Learn the 4 easy steps of the C.A.L.M. formula and show up kindly and compassionately with your kids. No more reactivity, yelling, or lashing out. 

By taking a few moments before reacting to calm our nervous system is key in handling those difficult moments mindfully.

Your children deserve that! 
YOU deserve that! 

Four simple steps for getting calm


The C.A.L.M. formula can help you to become grounded in the heat of the moment so that you won't say or do things our of reactivity or anger. 

It's a fluid process and not a fixed formula. And with time and practice you can get better at managing your emotions, staying calm in the moment and responding with more compassion.  

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."



Put your right hand on your heart and breathe. You got this. This is not an emergency. 


Assess your arousal level. How activated do you feel in this moment? 


Use your one sentence mantra that you created ahead of time to help you get grounded.


Engage your senses. Feel your body. Feel your feet on the ground. 

Calm mama+happy kids+peaceful homes

Get your C.A.L.M.

Imagine your days without yelling. Imagine your kids listening and responding without a fuss or power struggle. Imagine the joys of having a peaceful home...No lost tempers, no angry outbursts or no shouting. 
Click download and discover your inner calm.